Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't Tread On Us!

It doesn't happen every day, but once in a while, our country DOES impress the rest of the world.

Sunday night, just as Celebrity Apprentice was getting interesting, we all got the news.  How ironic, Obama got to cut off Trump's show in announcing what may be the greatest victory of his term!

My heart goes out to all my readers who lost someone on the 9/11, or was in some other way affected by that tragic day.  Does the dumping of his unholy carcass wipe all of that away?  I think not.  But it does remind us that a universal truth still does exist -- when you MURDER for an unsunbstantiated charge, when you LAUGH at the victims you leave behind, and when you HIDE for years, thinking you'll just get away with things, without seeking ANY FORM OF ATONEMENT, you deserve whatever punishment G-D deems fit for you.  YOU DON'T JUST "GET AWAY WITH IT" BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS DID BEFORE!  The gravy train really does come to an end.

Granted, we've all got a price to pay now -- apparently his loyal followers would rather not open their minds to the idea that "oh wait a minute, being an intolerant fanatic really does have consequences, I better chill out before I start attacking the United States."  No, they want that date with 72 virgins so bad they can taste it!  But do we respond with fear?  Should we tiptoe everywhere we go now?  Absolutely not!  All we have to do is look over our shoulder a little bit to make sure we're still safe.  Here in NYC and the surrounding area, we already have police and soldiers on high alert protecting us all.  Be wary, yes, but NEVER be afraid.  After all, when people are not afraid, how can there be such a thing as "terrorism?"

Don't be afraid to comment, either!

DISCLAIMER: The above opinion does not support murder or terrorism in any fashion. Other than government-endorsed military activity and self-defense, homicide remains a crime.

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