Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thoughts for Easter

Hey all --

Some of you may remember a little something I posted for Easter back in 2008 on MySpace.  I decided to recycle it (with some edits), so here it is!

Christianity celebrates its holiest period of time this week. It commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many questions have been raised about these events in the past few years, especially in a movie directed by Mel Gibson and a book written by Dan Brown. But rather than discuss them, we only need remember this -- for every loss we suffer and every hit we take, there is always the seed for a new life, a new fortune, and a new beginning.

For example, my father once commented that there should always be a baby at every funeral. I still remember that at every funeral we attended as a family, there would always be a grieving widow or great-aunt, and my father would always come over to that mourner and point her in the direction of the newborn baby someone else would always be holding. That way, he would comfort the grief-stricken by reminding them that even though one life ends, there is always a new one beginning.
I am not in a position to provide a lot of knowledge or insight into the specific events upon which Good Friday and Easter Sunday are based. I can, however, note that even the most tragic and heart-wrenching events of human existence usually signalled the beginning of some of the most joyful and beautiful events to follow.

After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Americans reached out to each other with nothing less than love and compassion, and our respect and compassion for one another reached new heights. After the Holocaust, the State of Israel was established. And after the MLB players’ strike of 1994 threated to destroy the sport of baseball, the New York Yankees built a dynasty that would dominate the Major Leagues for the next several years!

So it continues -- for every hurt, there is comfort; for every loss, there is gain; and for every death, there is new life again.
Once again, Happy Easter everyone -- by now many of you have finished church and are on your way to a feast of some sort -- enjoy!

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