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Deeeep In Thought!
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Today, we have the third day of a three-day weekend, to honor the supreme sacrifice of those who fought our nation's wars, and never came home.  It's easy to forget the meaning behind it, because it happens to be the unofficial start of summer and the kickoff of barbecue season.  It also involves parades, and other activities meant to inspire joy and pride, and not mourning or sadness.

Why is that?

Because our men and women in uniform would have wanted us to do exactly that. If we lived under oppressive regimes, that staged parades that citizens were forced to attend, cheering fanatically as goose-stepping soldiers led battle-scarred tanks through some town square, the patriotism on display would not be genuine.  This type of emperor-worshipping groupthink is precisely what our founding fathers went out of their way to avoid.

A parade, on the other hand, is an expression of free speech.  And here in America, because young men and women have fought for our rights to express that speech (or not), grill some burgers, dogs, and ribs outside (or not (even if the vegetarians don't like it)), and go to the beach, surf, and get a sick tan (or not), WE CAN.

So enjoy your Memorial Day, America!  And thank a soldier/marine/sailor if you see him or her in the streets if NYC this week!

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