Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
Too much sun, though!

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Now We're Talking!

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

You Say You Want a Resolution?

Well, you know . . . . .

(sorry, I couldn't resist)

We all know that they're tough to keep, but here are a few of mine:

(1) I will try to do for others "just because," and not because I expect something in return.

(2) I will try to concentrate on others' positive attributes, and not look for reasons to criticize and malign.

(3) I will try to organize the world and the space around me to accommodate my priorities, and not complaint about a supposedly insurmountable pile of obligations.

(4) I will try to be quick with my humor and my smarts, and not with my temper and my fault-finding.

(5) I will try to create a diet that fits my tastes, my time, and my running endeavors, and not complain that none of my jeans fit because I just "had" to have an extra dessert and couldn't say no.

(6) I will try to focus on this blog I've created for the good it can do, and not give it up because someone decided to tell me that "nobody makes money from these things," and that the source of their knowledge is that "everybody knows that."

(7) I will try to research the ways that my wife and I can acquire wealth, legally and substantially, by our own talents and work ethic, and not merely "scrimp and save."

(8) I will try to accept criticism and graciously, with the wisdom to know the difference between criticism and bullying, and not look to attack anyone who says something that is not sugar-coated and wonderful.

(9) I will try to find the time to everything for my marriage, my job, and my extended family, and not say later that I did not have the time.

(10) I will try to respect everyone, regardless of whether they think or act like me, and not merely condemn and reject those who don't as "annoying" or "weird."

I say try because I'm only human -- I can't guarantee that I will stick with all of these in 2011, but I sure would like to aspire to them.

Anyone else got some resolutions to share? Feel free to place them directly below.

A Happy and Healthy New Year 2011 to all! :)

1 comment:

  1. Dave - if everyone would try to do these things the world would be a brighter, happier, more peaceful, loving place for all of us (and future generations) to live in. I hope you stick with them, put your heart and soul into it and succeed at each one. Good luck! Best wishes on a wonderful endeavor - tikkun olam! Happy (secular) New Year! Or as I've been telling some people... L'Shanah Tovah!


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