Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
Too much sun, though!

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Things I Miss . . .

One of my cases have been heating up. Yup, the Crazy Russian Lady Case. We filed an Order to Show Cause to have the case dismissed because she has no damages. This morning I left the OSC for the judge to sign in Civil Kings, and was told to come back in 3 hours (yeh roit!) Carlos, the copy guy, went there and conformed copy -- yes they signed it, and it'll be returnable same day as trial.

And guess who Carlos saw at Court? The Crazy Russian Lady herself! She had been trying to file her own motion against us because she didn't like the way we objected to her discovery demands -- and her motion was short-served TWICE!! Carlos had the pleasure of watching a clerk yell at her and tell her she has to "follow rules!" LOL, priceless!

But besides today's great events, I want to talk about people I miss. Since I've gotten engaged and moved to Newport (Jersey City), I don't get to see a lot of people very often, and I want to re-connect.

My "other family" on Long Island misses me. My lifelong friend Dave, his wife Ann, and their two boys Rafe & Reign, as well as a few other supporting characters! I want to see them on a Sunday night in July -- just gotta make sure I can be available! It's been a long time since I've seen that whole gang and I miss them, I really do. I miss being the only grown-up "invited" into Rafe's room to hang out on his bunkbed and watch Thomas and play video games. I also miss being at the table and hearing David hold court on everything -- he really is one of the smartest people I've known.

Also would like to hear about what's going on with Ann's friend D. She has a new man in her life, whom she deserves. I miss her 3 girls too -- it still cracks me up the way Caitlin would always seek me out and say "you my baw-friend!"

The person on Long Island I miss the most of all would have to be my sister, also known as "The Nayz!" She still cracks me up like mad, she's the ultimate character. We always used to go to Touch of Italy in Baldwin (or as she called it, "Touch") on the weekends, and she'd update me on all the "kooks!" Ahhh, Miss Nayz!

But I also miss my Lady JB, who I'm picking up tonight from class. Hopefully we won't be out too late tonight, I seriously need my sleep -- and this weekend we're going to Princeton (again -- hoo boy).

And JB's parents remind me of how much I miss my own!

So that's what I miss -- let's just be happy for what we have, people!

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