Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fanfare for the Common Man

Since I'm still somewhat better communicating my thoughts in writing than I in speaking, I'll follow up the video with a few words.

Everyone secretly roots for the underdog, even though their seasoned judgment usually tells us that they'll rarely win. Such is the case with the Jets.

Don't get me wrong, everyone on this team is an awesome player, that's why they've made the NFL to begin with. But this franchise has had a long history of losing, with the exception of one magical season led by "Broadway Joe" Namath. This could be the team's time to earn some respect after all these years of suffering.

Since I've dusted off the Four Pillars, I might as well apply them to the Jets. The Jets EXIST, and have since 1960. They're often overlooked because the Giants have a longer winning tradition, but now everyone knows they're here, thanks in no small part to the clarion exhortations of Coach Rex Ryan, a man among men who stands up for his team and is not afraid to get loud in the press when it counts. The Jets MATTER, because right now the Giants simply aren't pulling their weight! The Jets BELONG, and they've proven that after slicing and dicing two dominant teams on their way to the AFC Title game. And last but not least, they DESERVE to bring New York a Super Bowl trophy!!!!!!

Like I said on the video, they represent the underdog in us all. Many of us have felt like we were second-best, or worse, in other positions in life. Not making the team in school, not getting the starring role, having work projects reassigned to someone else who is more heavily favored, etc. The best and most effective way to override this is to look for AND FIND a way to WIN.

It doesn't always mean beat someone who was more of a winner than you. The Jets don't have to beat the Giants to be the champs (though some Giant fans may disagree). Likewise, you don't have to jump the co-worker who got more praise than you, or the guy who got your spot on the team -- you just gotta find something that you do even better than they can. Sometimes you have to think outside the box, and sometimes this means you've gotta re-invent things.

And last but not least, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE EVERYONE LIKE YOU! That's the biggest mistake people make. You can get everyone's respect, but it's just not possible for everyone to love you (hopefully your Mom does). Outside NYC and the suburbs, people can't stand the Jets. They think Ryan's full of hot air, and think Sanchez is not yet a star. Let them think it, they still HAVE TO respect Gang Green! Sometimes, getting respect from the proper authorities will mean a decline in popularity. So be it! Expecting everyone in the world to love you is a narcissistic, unrealistic, and impossible expectation. Even if I were Captain Nice, made 10 times my salary, owned an apartment building only for me and the Lady to live in, and gave half of it to charity anyway, people would STILL hate me! What can I do about them, besides avoid those cretins like the plague? Not a daaaamn thing! All I need is respect, not popularity!


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