Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Next Steps

OK, I got some work done on that story I've always wanted to write. Since for some reason my Microsoft Word will not open, I just saved as a draft on Blogger. I need to work on it a bit more before I post it, and warn my adoring public that it's a little on the nasty side.

Anyway, I've changed jobs, and I'm a lot happier. My new boss, who was once my old boss, is happy to have me back. However, he gets in moods sometimes when he blows his top over nothing. Having worked with him before, I've learned that his bark is worse than his bite, so I know that just because he gets pissy, it doesn't mean my job is on the line. He just gets too busy sometimes, and gets exasperated a bit too quick. So you just wait until he calms down, and then deal with him.

It's a lot better than the job I just left though. Here, I get told that people are counting on me, while back there I was told that I couldn't be trusted and I had cases yanked out of my hands. I could expound on that a little more, but it would only make me more angry.

All I know is that if I lose this job, I will not be able to practice law anymore. Not because I've done something unethical or will get disbarred, etc. My license will remain intact no matter what. It's because I've been practicing almost 10 years, haven't made partner, and have not earned the kind of salary the rest of the world thinks lawyers should make. For this reason, firms might grant me interviews, but they might not be so quick to hire me, and that's pretty sad.

Like I've said before, blogging is what I should be doing for a living. I have a lot to write about that's only limited by case law and politics. As you'll see once my first entry is finalized, I have much to post, and it's not all nice and sweet.

I just need to get off the launchpad, that's all I'm saying.

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