Deeeep In Thought!

Deeeep In Thought!
Too much sun, though!

Dave's Pages

Now We're Talking!

Welcome to the Blog! Here you'll find content relevant to men's self-esteem, Jewish religious/cultural traditions, life growing up in Long Island (specifically South Nassau), and adjustments to married life!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Hello Again!

For some reason, the introductory post I published yesterday didn't seem to make the final cut. Oh well, here it goes again.

Some of my fans from MySpace may remember my weekly contributions. For a while I had been blogging about the weekly Bible reading. Dave Hines, wherever you are out there, I promise I'll start 'em up again!

In any event, today was funny. Had this motion in Supreme Kings for summary judgment. Plaintiff's lawyer didn't show up at the second call, and it was marked "granted -- settle order on notice." So as SOON as a I leave the courtroom, guess who shows up? We go back inside, I demand they keep it marked "granted," and of course they won't do it. I went to another courtroom to wait for the judge, who was on trial, to decide this issue, but ultimately just marked it submitted. And before I did that, my adversary called me an a--hole and a b---h for being "so competitive. He actually apologized later, but whatever -- his case is a flipping loser anyway.

And then back at the ranch (that is, my office), we have been getting into a fight with opposing counsel in a declaratory judgment action. They want to copy the file in the underlying personal injury action (all 10 redwells), and we want them to pay for 2 Bates-stamped copies, one for them and one for us. But because her client doesn't want to foot the bill that way, she has been threatening us with sanctions. So we get on the phone with the Judge's law secretary for a conference, and the law secretary just "passes the buck" and has us write a letter memorandum setting forth our positions, supported by case law. In the meantime, we are gonna get two copies ready to go.

?!?!?!? What did I just say? Oh don't mind me, I'm still speaking lawyerese. Tomorrow I'll edit this whole thing and translate it into English, LOL!

But tomorrow I'm going to the MoneyFest at the NY Hilton. The Trump will be there, and so will Suze Ormond. No matter who I see, I want to learn how to earn more $$$ -- especially if it involves blogging for money!

Wish me luck -- and keep on clickin' for me!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting It Started Again

Yes world, the Man is back. Known to many as RunningLaw, known to others as Dax and Chung Lee. Yeeeah, those of you doing a search might even recognize me from MySpace and Facebook, too!

In about 36 hours, I'm going to the MoneyExpo.

Because people, I have a new love in my life. A precious lady known as Miss JB. She is a great success in her career, but I have to be the man in this relationship and support us both. I have a great job, but there's nothing wrong with adding a little extra $$$, ya dig?

Ugh. I'm tired tonight. Tomorrow morning I have oral argument in Supreme Kings (oh right, forgot to mention I'm an attorney). Gotta really nail this summary judgment motion for sure!

OK, that's it. Nighty night, and a pleasnat tomorrow!